Sunday Updates from Mr. Secretary 2025-01-19

Welcome to St. Alban Lodge 529 Forums Sunday with the Secretary! Sunday Updates from Mr. Secretary 2025-01-19

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    • #9574


      Hello and happy Sunday to you all.

      Last week we had a productive week. We raised Brother Keith Shepard from an Entered Apprentice Degree to a Fellowcraft Degree. Our Worshipful Master, Evan T. Martin did an excellent job conferring the 2nd degree. After the Extra Meeting, we gathered for a drink at the local bar. It was a very nice evening.

      On Friday Brother James T. Clancy -P.M. (DDGM), Joe Bullock, and I attend the presentation of William F. Moree Jr., P.M. at the Masonic Temple as District Deputy Grand Master of Masonic District B.

      Here are some additional reminders I would like to share with you:

      Dues are now past due. The fee is $127.00. Please contact me if you need help or have any questions related to your dues.

      District C Officers Meeting will be Tuesday the 21st at Jenkintown at 7:30 pm.

      District Visitations for District C:

      Monday February. 17th – Columbia No. 91
      Wed. February 26th – Melita No. 295
      Monday March 10th – Richard Vaux Brotherhood No. 126 —— District Visitation ——
      Wed. March 12th – Saint Alban No. 529
      Tuesday April 8th – Palistine Roxborough No. 135
      Thursday April 17th – Williamson Corinthian No. 368 — District Visitation —
      Monday April 21st – Columbia No.91
      Wed. May 14th – Saint Alban No. 529 — District Visitation —
      Thursday May 15th Concordia No. 67
      Tuesday June 10th Palistine Roxborough No. 135 — District Visitation —
      Thursday June 19th Williamson Corinthian No. 368
      Wed. June 25th Melita No. 295

      Our next Stated Meeting will be on 2-12-25.

      We intend on having an Extra Meeting in February.

      We are also working on a get-together at an Italian restaurant in South Philly in April. As I get more information I will let you know.

      Lastly, GO EAGLES!!

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